ISBER's Cryogenic Sample Storage and Biobanking Guidance: Preserving the Future of Research

ISBER's Cryogenic Sample Storage and Biobanking Guidance: Preserving the Future of Research


In the world of biological and environmental repositories, precision, and integrity are paramount. Enter the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER), an organization that sets the gold standard in the field. In this blog post, we'll delve into ISBER's invaluable guidance for cryogenic sample storage and biobanking, exploring the principles that safeguard the future of research and discovery. 

Why ISBER Matters

Before we dive into ISBER's guidance, let's understand why this organization holds such a pivotal role in the world of biobanking and sample storage: 

  • Global Expertise: ISBER brings together experts and professionals from around the world, pooling their collective knowledge to set industry standards and best practices. 
  • Pioneering Research: ISBER's work supports groundbreaking research in fields like genomics, medicine, and environmental science, contributing to scientific advancements that impact us all. 
  • Unwavering Commitment: ISBER is committed to the highest ethical and quality standards, ensuring that specimens are collected, stored, and shared responsibly and with utmost transparency.

ISBER's Guidance for Cryogenic Sample Storage and Biobanking

Appropriate Specimen Labeling

ISBER leaves no room for ambiguity when it comes to specimen labeling. All specimens stored in cryogenic conditions must be labeled appropriately. This includes information like specimen type, collection date, batch numbers, and any other relevant data. 

Cryo-resistant labels are a must. These labels are designed to withstand extreme cold temperatures, ensuring that the label remains intact and legible in cryogenic environments.

Continuous Specimen Tracking

Maintaining the chain of custody is a fundamental aspect of biobanking. ISBER recommends that the location of each specimen is continuously tracked throughout its journey, from collection to storage and beyond. 

Barcoding systems are highly recommended. They enable quick and accurate tracking, reducing the risk of human error and streamlining the retrieval process. 

Recommendations for Cryogenic Storage Containers

ISBER also provides recommendations for the types of cryogenic storage containers to use. Quality is of the essence here. 

Investing in high-quality storage containers designed for cryogenic use is vital. These containers should provide an airtight seal to prevent temperature fluctuations and contamination. 

Cryoboxes are often used for organizing cryogenic vials. They come in various sizes and configurations to suit different storage needs. 

Computer-Based Inventory Systems

To ensure efficient management of cryogenic samples, ISBER emphasizes the importance of computer-based inventory systems. 

These systems offer efficient specimen tracking, data management, and automated alerts for monitoring. They can also integrate with other laboratory information management systems (LIMS) for seamless data flow. 


In conclusion, ISBER's guidance for cryogenic sample storage and biobanking is a cornerstone of excellence in the field. Following these recommendations is not merely a matter of compliance but a commitment to the integrity and reliability of scientific research. 

Whether you're in healthcare, research, or biotechnology, adhering to ISBER's guidance ensures that your cryogenic samples remain well-preserved, viable, and accessible for future research. The legacy of your work, and its impact on our understanding of the world, is preserved through the adherence to these principles. 

For cryogenic labels and solutions designed to meet ISBER's guidance, visit our stock cryogenic labels category or simply design your own cryogenic label. Your dedication to preserving the future of research deserves nothing less than the best in cryogenic labeling and storage.